Pairing Girl Scout Cookies and Coffee – Find the Best Complement to Your Favorite Treat

girl scout cookies and coffee

Girl Scout Cookies and Coffee Pairings

‘Tis the season of the greatest willpower challenger of them all. They’re outside you’re market. They’re knocking at your door. Your coworkers are pushing them for their kids. That’s right…’tis the season of Girl Scout cookies. Say goodbye to your New Year Health Resolution and say hello to these marvelous cookie + coffee pairings.


Thin Mints

thin mint cookies

The Thin Mint – one of the originals. Whether you take them room temperature or frozen; they’re a classic with a punchy flavor. It can be difficult to find a coffee that pairs, rather than competes with, the intense mint notes. But that didn’t stop us. We recommend Anchor Coffee’s single-origin Brazil Cerrado; the cocoa pairs well with the cookie’s chocolate while the lower acidity accentuates the cookie’s defining mint taste.

Suggested Coffee:
Anchor Coffee – Brazil Cerrado


Caramel deLites / Samoas

samoas girl scout cookie

These gooey delights can pair just fine with a caramel- or chocolate-driven counterpart, but we recommend something far more interesting: a light Ethiopian with berry notes. Between the coffee’s berry and the cookie’s coconut, you could argue that this pairing makes a healthy breakfast option.

Suggested Coffee:
Archive Coffee – Ethiopia Yukro Gera Dist. Jimma


Shortbread / Trefoils

shortbread girlscout cookie

Take advantage of the subtle nature of this cookie (a rare quality among its peers); a lightly sweet coffee with a citrus lead, silk body, and clean finish will pair well. We recommend a Kenyan or South American coffee featuring Orange or Grapefruit notes.

Suggested Coffee:
Voyage Coffee Roasters – Safari Blend


Peanut Butter Patties / Tagalongs

Peanutbutter patties

Not dissimilar to the Thin Mint, Tagalongs are unapologetically flavorful, which is fantastic, but can make it difficult to find a suitable partner. A mellow, medium roast blend will lay a solid foundation for the coffee’s chocolate + peanut butter, while not competing with the flavor.

Suggested coffee:
Portola Coffee Lab – Alchemistic Blend 


Savannah Smiles

Savanna Smiles

The citrus of these cookies will remain unrivaled by any flavor that dares to compete; thus we recommend pairing these with either a similarly-citrusy coffee or a complementary dark roast. The latter contrasts the cookie’s tart with a nice bitterness; just like they say, opposites do attract.

Suggested Coffee:
Parliament Night Owl – Espresso Blend




All you gluten free folks out there! Girl Scouts finally caught on and now feature this gluten free toffee cookie! While it’s tasty, the flavor is quite mild, so we recommend something punchy. A medium or light roast that bursts with high notes of kiwi and cranberry and yet is grounded by a buttery finish will pair excellently with Toffee-tastic.

Suggested Coffee:Kapi Coffee – Velvet Underground


Girl Scout S’mores


Girl Scouts has managed to recreate the goodness that is the s’more, but without the smoke in your eyes and the goo on your cheek! Why not add some more chocolate to the chocolate with the strong and balanced Sasquatch Blend by Square One Coffee.

Suggested Coffee:
Square One Coffee – Sasquatch Blend



If you liked this list, check out our guides on where to find the best coffee in Austin, Atlanta, and Philadelphia!

If you’ve got any other favorite coffee and Girl Scout pairings, make sure to leave them in the comments below!




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