Global Coffee Expo 2017 Party List Global Coffee Expo by the Specialty Coffee Association , formerly known as SCAA, is the granddaddy of all coffee conferences. What’s one of the best things about conferences? The parties of course! The guys at Sprudge faithfully put together a great list of everything going on and we wanted to […]
27 Famous Celebrities & Cartoon Characters Before Their Coffee

Famous Cartoon Characters Before Their Coffee The perky cartoon icons that we have all grown to love don’t always roll out of bed with the plastered smile across their face. The day in and day out of performing and capturing the imaginations of individuals around the world takes a toll and can really grind the […]
15 Insane Coffee Tattoos for People Addicted to Coffee

Coffee Tattoos for Coffee Addicts You love coffee. You love coffee so much you feel the need to permanently and publicly display it. If you’re thinking about getting a tattoo proclaiming your love of the black brew, check out these 15 coffee tattoos for some ink inspiration. Plain Coffee Cup Tattoo Keep it simple & […]
10 Books About Coffee: Pair Knowledge With Your Coffee-philia

10 Books About Coffee: Pair Knowledge With Your Coffee-philia We love coffee. Love talking about it, dreaming about it, drinking it…even reading about it. We asked our team to share their favorite books about coffee; we’ve compiled their responses so that we can share with you, here! The World Atlas of Coffee: From Beans […]
16 Celebrity Coffee Quotes

Celebrity Coffee Quotes We love coffee and we love celebrities, so it’s no surprise that celebrities talking coffee makes us happy. There might be more celebrities talking about how much they love coffee if they all had BeanGenius subscriptions, but we digress. Here are a selection of our favorite celebrity quotes about coffee: “I am […]
20 Examples of Amazing Latte Art

Amazing Latte Art Latte art is one of those beautiful art forms because everything about it is fleeting. The designs probably won’t last until the end of your cup and unless you’re quick with a camera, it can even start dissolving before your eyes. That’s why an amazing cup of latte art will never cease […]